The reverse interview : the recruitment revolution

13 September 2024

Traditionally, in a traditional interview, it is usually the employer who asks the questions, while the candidate tries to convince the employer with his or her answers. But as the job market evolves, a new technique is emerging: the reverse interview.

  1. What is the reverse interview ?

This type of interview allows candidates to ask their future employer the majority of questions, thus reversing the basic roles. This gives the candidate a better understanding of the company culture, expectations and how the team operates on a day-to-day basis. This approach also gives the employer the opportunity to see how the candidate behaves in an interview situation, revealing qualities such as curiosity, preparation and assertiveness. This more collaborative method gives the candidate the keys to assessing the company and its values, while enabling a more balanced exchange between the two parties.


  1. Why is it gaining in popularity?

With the war for talent and new working standards, candidates are no longer simply looking for a job, but for a company with which they feel totally at one with. The reverse interview offers them a better vision of what they can expect from their potential future employer. This makes it an effective strategy for attracting quality candidates, while increasing transparency.


  1. Benefits for employers

For recruiters, the reverse interview is a valuable tool for better understanding what is important to candidates and identifying their priorities and values. It also tests the candidate's ability to analyse and communicate. Another advantage is that it encourages companies to improve their own internal communication and adjust their presentation to potential candidates.


  1. The reverse interview : a practice adopted by recruitment experts

The reverse interview is not just a trend, it is also being experimented with by recruitment professionals.L’École du Recrutement, for example, has incorporated this approach into several recruitment campaigns since 2021. According to them: ‘Since the idea was launched internally in 2021, we have recruited 3 times for 3 different positions: training, marketing and customer service. A reverse interview was offered to the finalists in each of these processes.’

They also mention that, although this practice has not always taken place, it continues to fuel their reflections on the importance of giving candidates a voice. This underlines the growing interest in this type of format, even among recruitment specialists.


  1. L'École du Recrutement's advice for a successful reverse interview

L'École du Recrutement, having experimented with the reverse interview in a number of recruitment processes, shares its feedback and best practices. Here is their advice on how to use this type of interview effectively :

Step 1: Adding it to the recruitment procedure

L'École du Recrutement recommends introducing the reverse interview at the end of the process, once the assessment stages have been completed but before the final offer is made. This helps to overcome the candidate's objections, in the same way as the method used in sales to answer the potential client's final questions.

Step 2 :Establish clear rules

The rules of reverse interviewing are simple :

  • The candidate chooses up to two people for the interview (his/her future manager, colleague, etc.).
  • The discussion takes place face-to-face or by video, depending on the candidate's preference.
  • No question is off-limits, whether it concerns practical details or more strategic issues.
  • The interview usually lasts less than an hour.
Step 3 : Explain the concept to candidates

To avoid the reverse interview being perceived as a hidden evaluation, they advise explaining clearly to candidates that the aim of this exchange is to enable them to better evaluate the company and not the other way round. This helps to create an atmosphere of trust and equality.


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