The Memlinc hotel in Knokke is closing its doors soon

8 April 2024

The news has hit the hotel industry like a thunderclap: the Memlinc, a famous landmark in the seaside resort of Knokke, will soon be closing its doors. For many, this announcement came as a real shock, because who could have imagined that this legendary establishment, which has welcomed celebrities from all over the world for more than a century, would bring its history to an end?

Founded in 1926 and named after the painter Hans Memling, the Memlinc has always been synonymous with luxury, elegance and an idyllic setting. Its Anglo-Norman architecture and rooftop were emblematic features that represented the very essence of the hotel, often evoked with admiration by the resort's regulars.



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However, despite its timeless charm, the hotel's owner, Christophe Deklerck, recently announced in Het Laatste Nieuws that the establishment would close its doors in April 2025. The decision to close the hotel stems from a number of factors, including the lack of a buyer within the Deklerck family and the desire to concentrate on other projects in Knokke, such as the takeover of the Golf Club House.

This news deeply saddens the hotel's regular guests, who have shared so many memories and precious moments within its walls. However, as the Memlinc Palace Hotel is a listed building, it is protected from demolition and is therefore subject to a number of restrictions. According to the Dutch-language newspaper de TijdFrancis Geernaert, who has worked in the construction industry for many years, is said to be the new buyer of this colossal investment. He is also said to be planning to transform the Memlinc into an extremely expensive apartment complex. It remains to be seen whether his plans will come to fruition, but we'll have to wait another year to find out. For those who would like to relive the unforgettable experience of the Memlinc one last time, there is still time to Book a stay before it closes its doors for good.



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