Understanding HR anglicisms : a guide to avoid getting lost
22 January 2025
In human resources, anglicisms have become ubiquitous. Whether you're talking about successful onboarding or launching a reskilling programme, it's sometimes difficult to follow the conversation without a solid grasp of these terms. But don't panic! This guide decodes the most common HR anglicisms and helps you navigate this hybrid linguistic universe.
Why are there so many anglicisms in HR ?
Human resources, influenced by international practices and tools, adopts many English-speaking terms. These words often sum up key concepts in one word, where French would require a whole sentence. For example, ‘upskilling’ perfectly captures the idea of improving skills. However, for those unfamiliar with these terms, they can sound like unapproachable jargon.
Europe, with its diversity of languages and cultures, often finds itself using English as the lingua franca for professional exchanges. This is particularly true in large multinational companies where English is the official language. In addition, many modern HRconcepts originate in the United States or the United Kingdom, which explains why the original terms are used more quickly than any translations.
Top 10 HR anglicisms to know :
Integration process for new employees to help them settle into their new working environment.
Example : "Successful onboarding can increase employee retention by 25%.
Retour constructif donné à un collaborateur sur son travail ou ses compétences.
Exemple : « Le feedback régulier favorise la progression des équipes. »
Upskilling et Reskilling
Upskilling : Formation pour développer des compétences supplémentaires dans le même domaine.
Reskilling : Formation pour acquérir de nouvelles compétences et changer de fonction ou de métier.
Exemple : « Le reskilling est crucial pour répondre aux besoins du marché. »
Employer Branding
La manière dont une entreprise se positionne en tant qu’employeur attractif.
Exemple : « Travailler son employer branding aide à attirer les meilleurs talents. »
Talent Acquisition
Le processus de recrutement stratégique visant à attirer les meilleurs profils.
Exemple : « La talent acquisition va au-delà du simple recrutement. »
Employee Advocacy
Programme dans lequel les employés deviennent ambassadeurs de leur entreprise, notamment sur les réseaux sociaux.
Exemple : « L’employee advocacy booste la notoriété de la marque employeur. »
Concept englobant le bien-être physique, mental et émotionnel des collaborateurs au travail.
Exemple : « Investir dans le wellbeing des équipes améliore leur engagement. »
Soft Skills
Compétences comportementales comme la communication, l’empathie ou la gestion du stress.
Exemple : « Les soft skills sont autant valorisées que les compétences techniques. »
Job Crafting
Manière dont un collaborateur ajuste son poste pour le rendre plus aligné avec ses forces et motivations.
Exemple : « Encourager le job crafting améliore l’engagement des employés. »
Méthodologie ou culture d’entreprise axée sur la flexibilité, la collaboration et l’amélioration continue.
Exemple : « Les équipes agiles s’adaptent mieux aux changements rapides. »
When Anglicisms cause problems
Some English terms can be confusing or misused :
- "Wellbeing" is sometimes reduced to superficial initiatives with no real impact. It can give the impression of a fad, especially when the actions do not follow the rhetoric.
- "Agile" is becoming a catch-all term, with no link to its original definition. Many companies use the term without actually implementing the corresponding methodologies, which creates unrealistic expectations.
- The "feedback sandwich" (criticism surrounded by compliments) is sometimes criticised for its lack of authenticity. Employees can quickly spot this technique and perceive it as manipulation.
These clumsy or exaggerated uses risk diverting attention from the real issues or creating misunderstandings. Finally, excessive use of Anglicisms can marginalise certain employees who do not feel comfortable with these terms, thereby compromising internal communication.
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