Childhood games that help you deal with stress in the office

16 October 2024

In the hospitality sector, where the pace is often intense and expectations are quickly raised, teams are constantly under pressure. Stress management becomes essential to maintain a positive working atmosphere and guarantee impeccable customer service. But what can you do when traditional methods aren't enough? What if the solution came from childhood games? These simple, joyful moments that every child shared at playtime can be reintroduced into your professional routines to encourage relaxation, strengthen team cohesion and even improve communication in hotel establishments.

  1. Hopscotch

The game :
This game involves drawing a series of numbered squares on the ground and jumping from square to square on one foot, then two, until you reach the last square and return by picking up a stone.

Office application :
Turn part of your office into a ‘hopscotch zone’, drawn on the floor with coloured tape or soft mats. During short breaks, employees can jump through the squares to release muscular and mental tension. Example: An employee stressed by a deadline can get up and play a quick game of hopscotch. In addition to the physical activity that stimulates blood circulation, this playful gesture is reminiscent of childhood and instantly relieves the pressure.

Why does it work? Jumping and movement help to release endorphins, the happy hormones, while providing an active break that helps to refocus attention. It's simple, fun and accessible to everyone.

  1. The Arab telephone

The game :
A message is whispered into the ear of the first person, who has to repeat it to the next. At the end of the chain, the last person has to say out loud the message received, which is often distorted, generating fits of giggles.

Revisit this game as a communication exercise to emphasise the importance of clarity in exchanges. In the hospitality industry, good communication is vital, especially in large establishments where several departments have to interact quickly. Using the telephone game in training or meetings can be a fun way of reminding teams of the importance of clear communication.

Why does it work?
This game can playfully highlight the risks of poor message transmission, which is crucial at times like service briefings or instructions for special events.

  1. Hide and seek

The game :
One person hides while the others look for them.

Office application :
Turn the office into a treasure hunt. Employees can hide small notes or fun objects as part of a team-building activity. It can also be used as a quick game to relax after an intense day.
Concrete example Organise a ‘post-it hunt’ where employees have to find hidden notes with motivational quotes or simple challenges (e.g. ‘Offer a compliment to a colleague’). This encourages positive interaction and breaks up monotony.

Why does it work?
The game of hide-and-seek arouses curiosity and creates an atmosphere of complicity. It also helps to strengthen interpersonal relations outside the workplace.

  1. Collective drawing

The game :
Each child starts a drawing on a sheet of paper, then passes it to their neighbour who adds an element, and so on.

Office application :
This game is an excellent exercise in visual brainstorming for companies. Use a whiteboard or an online collaborative tool where each team member can contribute to a creative project by adding an idea or solution.
Concrete example : During a creative meeting ask everyone to draw part of a diagram representing a current project, without thinking too much about it. The end result will not only be original, but may also open up unexpected avenues.

Why does it work?
It encourages creativity by removing the pressure to be perfect. It's also a way of bringing in new and unexpected ideas while reducing tension.

  1. 1-2-3 Sunshine for moments of intense stress

The game :
One player has his back to the others and shouts ‘1-2-3 Sun. During this time, the others must move forward, but as soon as he turns around, everyone must stop. Those who move return to the starting point.

Office application :
When the pressure mounts before a big event or a busy evening, taking a collective break, where everyone stands still for a few minutes, can help to restore calm. It's a simple exercise to refocus the team and release the tension just before the rush.

Why does it work?
In the hotel industry, where services are often punctuated by rush periods, introducing collective breaks helps to relieve mental overload and to better face the challenges ahead.

Reintroducing childhood games into office life is a simple and effective way of reducing stress, improving communication and strengthening team cohesion. These light-hearted moments can transform the atmosphere of a workplace and allow employees to switch off, if only for a few minutes, so that they can refocus afterwards.

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