Belgium excels in work-life balance in 2024

25 July 2024

In 2024, Belgium was awarded third place among the countries offering the best work-life balance. This recognition comes from a study carried out by Remote, a job platform, which examined various criteria influencing quality of life at work.

Study evaluation criteria

Remote's study analysed 60 countries with the highest GDP, taking into account a number of key criteria such as minimum wage, paid annual leave, healthcare system, happiness index, weekly working hours and LGBTQ+ inclusiveness. Each criterion was weighted according to its importance, giving each country an overall score out of 100.

Results for Belgium 

Belgium, with a score of 73.45, shares third place with Denmark. The Belgians are known for favouring a philosophy of ‘working to live’ rather than ‘living to work’, which promotes a good work-life balance. New Zealand, in first place, scored 80.76 thanks to a high minimum wage and 32 days' paid annual leave.

Belgium's assets : 

Belgium stands out for several reasons :

  • Length of working week : the average is 35 hours, which is below the average for the other countries studied.
  • High minimum wage : one of the highest in Europe, contributing to a better quality of life for workers.
  • Generous paid leave : Belgians enjoy a large number of days off, making it easier for them to reconcile their professional and personal lives.
  • Quality healthcare system : easier access to healthcare contributes to the general well-being of employees.

The culture of well-being

In Belgium, the work culture places a strong emphasis on the separation of professional and personal life. Employers encourage practices that promote well-being, such as teleworking, flexible working hours and the four-day week. This enables employees to manage their time more effectively and maintain a good balance between their professional and personal obligations.

Impact on performance and quality of life

A good work-life balance has a positive impact on performance at work. Better-balanced employees are more focused, productive and happier. In addition, Belgian companies are seeing a reduction in burn-out rates and an increase in employee loyalty, creating a more stable and motivating working environment.

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