New rules on work permits

4 July 2024

New work permits in Brussels : what you need to know

The Service Public Régional de Bruxelles has announced significant changes to work permits for non-European nationals from October 1, 2024. These changes have a direct impact on employers in the Brussels-Capital Region, particularly in the hospitality sector. Here's an overview of the main changes and their impact on recruitment.

Simplified calculation of remuneration

From October 1, 2024, salary thresholds for certain specific occupation categories will be calculated as a percentage of the average gross monthly salary in the Brussels-Capital Region, set at €4,604. The categories and minimum amounts are as follows:

  • Senior executive : 6.445,60 € (140%)
  • Highly qualified personnel : 3.591,12 € (78%)
  • Entertainment artist : 2.992,60 € (65%)
  • EU Blue Card : 4.604,00 € (100%)
  • ICT Executive : 5.294,60 € (115%)
  • ICT expert : 4.373,80 € (95%)
  • ICT Intern : 2.532,20 € (55%)

These amounts will be updated every January 1, based on the latest figures published each September.

New names for work permits

The B work permit will be replaced by :

  • Short-term work permit (for contracts of up to 90 days out of 180).
  • Autorisation de travail de longue durée (for contracts exceeding 90 days).

The authorizations will be sent directly to the employer, who will pass them on to the workers for visa processing, if necessary.

Fewer administrative formalities

For work permits of more than one year, employers will no longer need to send in documents for the annual check, which will now be automated. However, the authorities may request additional information if necessary.

Unlimited work permit

An unlimited work permit will be granted after 30 months of continuous residence and occupation in the Brussels-Capital Region, attested by a single permit or a work authorization. If work permits have been issued by another region, the period is extended to four years.

Additional appendix to be provided

For certain categories, additional documents such as a job description and company organization chart will be required. For critical functions published by Actiris, no additional job market analysis is required.

Transposition of the new Blue Card Directive

The new regulations make it easier to change employers, and relax requirements for qualifications in information and communications technology. A higher education diploma will no longer be required, and professional experience may suffice.

Implications for the hospitality sector

For employers in the hospitality sector, these changes represent an opportunity to simplify procedures for hiring non-European workers. Recalculated salary thresholds and less red tape make it easier to recruit highly-qualified staff and better meet the needs of the industry.

These changes bring a welcome simplification of administrative procedures and hiring conditions for non-European workers. Employers in the hospitality sector in Brussels need to prepare for these changes to optimize their recruitment processes and remain competitive in a globalized market.

For more information, information sessions will be organized in September. Don't hesitate to register and follow the latest updates to keep abreast of regulatory developments.

Contact :

Bruxelles Economie et Emploi
Direction de la Migration économique
Place Saint-Lazare 2, 1035 Bruxelles
+32 (0)2 204 13 99 (de 9 à 12h)
Contact form available on their official website


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