The art of communication: a serious asset in the hotel industry

13 May 2024

Today, we live in a professional environment where communication is omnipresent, and even more so in the hospitality sector, where it is more than fundamental. From team meetings to project presentations and interactions with customers, knowing how to express ourselves clearly and persuasively is essential at every stage of our careers if we are to succeed brilliantly.

Here are three important areas where communication plays a crucial role:

  1. Welcoming customers

In the hospitality industry, the first contact with a guest can make or break their experience. Warm, professional and empathetic communication is the key to creating a memorable and positive first impression. To achieve this:

  • Smile and show a welcoming attitude from the very first contact
  • Use clear, customer-friendly language, avoiding complex technical terms
  • Show empathy by actively listening to the customer's needs and concerns
  1. Teamwork

In a hotel environment, collaboration and cohesion between different departments are fundamental to the smooth running of operations. Knowing how to express yourself clearly at team meetings, actively listening to others' ideas and effectively communicating objectives and expectations are all communication skills that promote smooth and effective collaboration. Here are a few tips:

  • Be concise and to the point in your communications.
  • Listen carefully to what other team members have to say and show them respect
  • Use concrete examples and anecdotes to illustrate your points of view and make your ideas more accessible.
  1. Presentation and persuasion

Whether you're presenting a new service to customers, convincing the team of the importance of an initiative or pitching an idea to management, the ability to speak persuasively in public is vital. Here are a few tips to help you succeed:

  • Prepare carefully by structuring your presentation and anticipating potential questions.
  • Use storytelling techniques to captivate your audience and make your presentation more engaging
  • Be confident and authentic in your speech, using positive body language and maintaining eye contact with your audience.

Discover below a extract Developing your eloquence" by lawyer and public speaking teacher Bertrand Périer, for Welcome to the Jungle

Vous l’aurez donc compris maitriser l’art de la communication et de la parole dans l’industrie de l’hôtellerie est une condition sine qua non pour performer dans votre carrière ! À vous de jouer maintenant !

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