No Blue Monday with Hospitality Talents

22 January 2024

Mondays are often seen as difficult days, but with the arrival of Blue Monday a few years ago, the challenge seems even greater. This third Monday in January, nicknamed for its reputation as the most depressing day of the year, could easily slip into a gloomy atmosphere. But stop! Before we let this day dictate our state of mind, let's take a few moments to give it some serious thought.

Blue Monday, derived from the English expression "to feel blue" meaning to be depressed, has taken root in our lives, but should we really give it such prominence? There are those who question this idea, claiming that Blue Monday is nothing more than a marketing invention, an attempt to create a trend around the winter blues.

So why let a supposedly depressing day dictate our rumor mill? Rather than succumb to this label, let's turn Blue Monday into an opportunity for resistance. Fighting the blues means taking concrete steps to brighten our day. And that's exactly what we suggest you do.

Here are a few tips to make your day as positive as possible:

🔆 Expose yourself to daylight: natural light can have a positive impact on your mood. Try to spend time outdoors during the day, especially when it's sunny like today.
😃 Surround yourself with positive vibes: spend time with friends and loved ones who are positive and encouraging. Their positive energy can have a beneficial impact on your own state of mind.
🎶 Create a playlist of upbeat songs to boost your mood: choose happy, motivating music to brighten up your day.
🏃‍♂️ Stay active: physical exercise is excellent for your health and can release endorphins, the happy hormones. So what better way to lift your spirits?
🤩 Take some time for yourself: give yourself little moments to engage in activities that you enjoy and that relax you.

#hospitalitytalents #recruitmentagency #bluemonday

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